Spicy Seafood Ramen with Arugula (오동통면)


Feeling hungry? Craving something satisfying and salty but short on time? How about ramen for tonight?

As a ramen-lover, I always have some kinds of ramen noodles in my pantry (specifically Korean ramen noodles). I think Korean ramen noodles come with more interesting, less-artificial flavors than typical cup noodles. I love them so much because they are quick to cook, versatile, and super satisfying (especially if you eat them with rice after you finish your noodles).

There are SO MANY different kinds of ramen noodles in Korea, but I chose to cook one of my favorites, Odongtong Myon. It has thick and juicy noodles (just like my thighs) with savory, salty seafood flavoring. I turn up the volume by adding some fresh vegetables.

Let me show you how you can make this thick and juicy ramen.

Prep time: 5 minutes  l  Cook Time: 10 minutes  l  Total Time: 15 minutes


  • 2 and 3/4 cup of water

  • 1/4 White Onion

  • 1 Package of Ottogi Odongtong Myon Seafood Spicy Flavor (but any type of Korean seafood flavored ramen is good! Neoguri Spicy Seafood Noodle is one of my favorites!)

  • 1 Dried Kelp (included in the package)

  • 1 Dried Vegetable Package from Ramen

  • 1 Flavoring Package from Ramen

  • 1 Egg

  • Handful of Arugula (any type of green is fine. Spinach is a great alternative)


  1. Heat the water in a medium sauce pot over high heat.

  2. Slice onion into cubes and set them aside.

  3. Add cubed onions, dried kelp, vegetable package, and flavoring package into the pot. After it starts to boil, let it boil for an additional minute.

  4. Add the ramen noodle into the pot and let it cook for about 5 minutes. Keep stirring the noodle by dropping it up and down. This will ensure that the noodle will be chewy and cooked through.

  5. Drop the egg into the pot at the last minute. Don't stir it around too much.

  6. Turn off the heat and finish it off by adding some arugula in the pot.

How do you guys cook your ramen noodle? Have you tried Korean ramen noodles? Do you have any favorites? Let me know!